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Filtering by Tag: prayer

Self-Care Daily Habits

Danika Brysha


I received such a beautiful compliment today from a friend who does some work with Model Meals on the weekends. She said that she admired that I was able to run a business and be so busy but still manage to find time to take care of myself. I told her that I was grateful to have learned that if I don't take care of myself, I certainly wouldn't be able to take care of a business. We cannot give what we do not possess ourselves. 

And while it's late now and I'm eager to go to bed but sticking to my commitment of sharing my writing every day, I wanted to share some of the daily self-care practices that I think play a key role in my own wellness, and that I think would be great tools in anyone else's personal growth, wellness, and self-discovery. 

  • getting enough sleep
  • meditation
  • clean eating: I avoid all grains, dairy, sugar or any sweeteners, alcohol, and processed foods
  • stream of consciousness journaling
  • prayer
  • gratitude
  • affirmations
  • writing a biography of yourself as exactly who you want to be in this lifetime
  • writing a journal entry from your future as if you woke up in your dream life and were describing the reality around you
  • read or learn something new (books, podcasts, etc)
  • vision board - I use pinterest

Much more to come on these habits specifically, but these are the ones I practice nearly every single day and have changed my life immensely. I'm about to get started right now on that first one. Goodnight. 

Sunday Worship: Costco

Danika Brysha

I'm not entirely certain when my obsession with that big, strong, warehouse of passion began but what I am sure of is that it is a mutual relationship that will most likely last forever... Or at least until my dad decides to stop paying my membership fees.   Regardless, Costco is something I can always count on.   Whether I need cheap liquor, a seasons worth of Tampax Pearl, or a new 72" flat screen that I will most definitely return after Super Bowl Sunday (or the new season of Toddlers and Tiaras), Costco always has whatever it is I need to fill an insatiable desire.  I definitely wouldn't be the woman I am today without it, that's for sure!

Ever since I was a child
Not too long ago
I’ve had a budding relationship
With a place called Costco
I got this passion from my father
For bulk items and great sales
He passed down his wisdom and knowledge
And his ingrown toenails
But I can forgive him for those
Because he’s so big and mature
While others learned to play T-ball
I was taught about Kirkland Signature
Whenever the time comes
And I need more toilet paper by the bunch
Eight new tubes of toothpaste
And three barrels of Captain Crunch…
I pick up my supersized cart
And flash my executive membership card
I am a master Costcoteer
For any beginner it'd be hard
Now, I first test out the speakers
The selection quite ample
I dance to the rhythms
Until I spot a free sample
Navigating the madness
Takes sharp skill and intention
I always start in the back corner
And shop the opposite direction
From the first bouncer to the check out
I feel so much joy I could cry
They swipe my AmEx and thank me
And I wave to the optometry guy
With a smile and name badge
They check my receipt at the door
I start heading to my car
But I get caught up in the lure...
Of the infamous food court
With frozen yogurt piled high
Huge slices of pizza
And hot dogs as large as my thigh
What a wonderful afternoon
At a place I hold in such high regard 
If Costco was a man, I would date him
I’d bring my milkshake to his yard

Sunday Worship: Instagram

Danika Brysha

I've always been overly obsessed with the Iphone but when they went ahead and pulled this Instagram business out of nowhere, I knew my loyalty could never falter.  My friend Jenny told me I HAD to download it and since she is always full of truth, I followed her orders.  I'm especially grateful for it today because it has a way of making my life look much cooler than it actually is.  Currently, it is 3pm on a Sunday.  I am covered in Spray Tan and am wearing a full grey sweatsuit and a red pair of socks I got for free during a flight on Virgin Atlantic.   You ain't gonna find that magic on Instagram.  Or are you...

For those of you with a Nokia phone or who are not familiar with Instagram's capabilities, here's an example of what it can do.  You simply upload a photo of yourself, choose a filter, and VOILA!...

So to Instagram, I write this hymn...

I woke up this morning
Feeling a little bit rough
I've got to keep up my image
but today it's gonna be tough
All my followers are waiting
As they scroll through their feed
Photos of babies, vacations,
And quotes of how to succeed
But how can I contribute
When I'm doing nothing at all
but watching Dr. Phil reruns
Waiting for someone to call?
Thats when a lightbulb flashed on
I knew just what I should do
My mom said anything is possible
When you have X Pro II
I found a great old photo
With nice makeup and hair
But... wait...SH*DFJKHL*ADSLK*JDHI!!!!
It won't fit in the square!
So on to option B
It's sure as hell to be a winner
So without further adieu
Here's what I'm having for dinner...
*And if you want to follow me on Instagram and see tons of pictures of how glamorous and exciting my life is, my name is @danikabrysha 


Sunday Worship- Spanx

Danika Brysha

At some point in the last couple years I graduated from one pair of nude colored, shorts-style Spanx to having a drawer of them fuller than the one holding my padded bras and sorority T-shirts.  Some people go to a therapist to keep themselves in order and feel their best... I wear Spanx.  Please join me in saying a hymn for one of the saints in my life...

Dear Spanx:

I can't thank you enough
Without you I'd be a mess
I'm reminded of your beauty
In my bodycon dress 
I would do anything for your love
Like a fraternity pledger
People are starting to catch on
Like Lululemon and Herve Leger 
But no one can replace you
How you look at me is so cute
And I love those little hot pockets
You leave loosely for my glutes
Celebs even love you
Think of all those hot bodies you wrap
Like Kim, Eva, and Beyonce
And that girl from Parent Trap
My days can be challenging
But you make life so worth living
I can binge eat Chipotle
And you're still so forgiving
So I stayed home from the gym
Eating Doritos on the couch
But you didn't hold it against me
And still smoothed my belly pouch
When I last checked your site
I just couldn't believe it
You now make Spanx for Men!
I'm sure he really needs it
You suck everything in tightly
And make a perfect package out of me
Like those genius Vacuum Bags
I always see on QVC
When I have to look sexy,
You're somebody I can rely on
It's the most love I've ever felt
For a blend of Lycra and Nylon
So here in conclusion
From my perfectly shaped thigh
Keep up all the hard work
You're a hell of a guy!

Sunday Worship: Ferrari Clothing

Danika Brysha

Sunday is the Lord's day.  A day to give back and be thankful for those things in life that we truly appreciate.   So what better time is there to write a hymn about something I truly worship?

This week I have been especially thankful for men who wear Ferrari Brand clothing...

To Juan:
It was another night out,
bored with men at the bars
But then I saw the passion in your eyes
for dollar bills and fast cars
You approached me so sultry,
Never seen a man so bold
And then like a sign from above,
I saw that emblem in Gold
The way that Ferrari logo laid
ever so gently across your pec,
You clearly had drive and true passion,
and a large pay check
We talked about cars,
I told you about my 92' Suburban
You quickly changed the subject
to your cousin who's Persian
You were so modest the whole time,
I probably sounded like a brat
And without further adieu,
you slipped on a matching red hat
We talked about driving down the coast,
and how much you loved Cali'
Images of love flashed through my head,
like when Harry met Sally
So I chugged that shot of Smirnoff
and finished your beer
"It's time to bump and grind,
lets get out of here"
You paid the valet ticket,
as I knew you could afford
And then out of nowhere I saw it...
your Honda Accord!
As they handed you your keychain,
with a lanyard that said "Juan"
I realized I too could have that shirt,
for $18.93 here on Amazon