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Filtering by Tag: leather studded belt

Style: Fall Feathers

Danika Brysha

Ahh, the Fall weather is finally starting to peek on in to my life and I couldn't be happier. Of course, my biased Southern California perspective should be noted here, but nonetheless, the cool calm of the final months of the year are, in my opinion, the most beautiful.

Now I must start by saying that I've never been a huge fan of wearing the color brown.  I've always thought that it washed me out by blending in with my pale-ish skin color and neutral hair color.  But I've learned there is actually an easy way around that!  Add a pop of color to break up that "blah" territory.  I always feel like my lips blend in with my face, which blends in with my hair, so I added a bright red lip and it made all the difference.

And because I like to live on the edge... I chose to pair black and brown TOGETHER.  Think of the risk.  I'm a slave for a good waist belt and this one had a little edginess to it with the studs.  I love a fresh stud in the morning.  And these black boots were a gift from my ever so stylish father Andre.  He once told me that the most important thing in a person's wardrobe is to have great shoes.  Any man that wore platforms with real fishtanks and live fish in them during the 70's should be trusted.  That is just something I know for sure.

Brown shirtdress with feather pattern- Old Navy; Black Studded Belt- Zara; Black Leather Ankle Boots- Jessica Simpson; Cream Crochet Beanie- H&M; Gold band ring- Michael Kors;  Gold Leaf earrings- Target;  Red Lipstick- Makeup Forever "Rogue Artist Intense 42"; Hair by Lindsey Carter