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Filtering by Tag: ella moss

Style: Blue Cheese

Danika Brysha

Ladies and Gentlemen, I'd like to introduce you to my blue cheese pants.  At least that's what I like to call them.  They remind me of Blue Cheese and what could be better than covering your body in that, right?  I saw these jeans years ago at Nordstrom Rack and had to have them... Even if they were two sizes too small and absent of any form of elastic.

Colored and patterned pants seem to be all the rage right now so I was excited to pull these babies out of the closet.  They have that 80's acid-washed look but still neutral enough to not distract from the entire outfit.   You know what fancy pants means though... basic everything else.  This solid black Ella Moss tanktop has lasted hundreds of wears and can be a staple with almost anything.  It's been a bit chilly by the beach lately so I paired it with my summery Theory blazer.  My friend Lisa makes some of the coolest Jewelry and this necklace is my favorite ever.  It is a large crystal with a chain of three different styles and I get compliments on it every time I wear it!

And lastly, I told you I would be genuine and so I have to let you in on a little secret...

You know what they say... When life gives you lemons, just keep eating them until your pants no longer fit.  And then wear the pants more.

Pants- William Rast; Black Top- Ella Moss; White Blazer- Theory; Crystal Necklace- St. Eve Jewelry; Watch- Michael Kors; Shoes- Halogen

Photographer: Angela Lupinetti

Location: Santa Monica, CA