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Filtering by Tag: black fringe dress

When Two Sexy People Decide to Marry...

Danika Brysha

This past weekend I had the privilege of being a bridesmaid in the wedding of one of my best friends from high school and her hunk of a husband, Steve.  Lisa is one of the most creative people I know and her jewelry is showcased in about 99% of my outfit posts, so it goes without saying that the wedding was spectacular!  It was a beautiful evening with wonderful people and some serious style, so I wanted to share some photos with you.

We arrived at the home of the Sperry family to get ready for the big day.  The Sperry family needs their own reality show.  Just some seriously awesome people.  If you can make that happen let me know.  And the house was gorgeous. And the mimosas were flowing... heavily...

Everybody got their hair and makeup done with the exception of yours truly, who insisted on popping my weave in with my own nimble fingers.  Hey Dad, I may not be using that communications degree with the current job, but I sure as hell am learning how to improve my glamour factor.

We rode to La Purisma Catholic Church in the cutest Trolley and the driver didn’t hesitate to play some sweet 90’s love jams for the duration of the short trip.  We arrived at the church and the procession began shortly after.

The colors at the ceremony were classic, with whites, blacks, and greys on point.  Our only requirement for our bridesmaids dresses were that they were black and had some sort of vintage feel, like fringe or lace.  I’ve never been amongst a more stylish group of women and needless to say all the ladies looked stylish and stunning... AND two of the bridesmaids were pregnant! And no, it wasn't me...

I found my dress on one of my favorite websites, Rent the Runway.  If you’re not familiar, you should be!  You find a designer dress online and pay the rental fee (usually about $50-$100) and they send it to you in two different sizes so you know one will fit.  You keep it for four days and send it back in the included shipping envelopes and you’re done.  No cleaning or huge prices on something you’ll wear once.  My dress was by Shoshanna and fit perfectly upon arrival.  And no, I do not work for Rent the Runway though my enthusiasm is similar to that of In-N-Out Burger.

The trolley took us with the groomsmen, the bride, and the groom, to take photos... and then the real party began!

The reception was in the Sperry family’s unbelievable backyard.  There were candles set in glass bottles, lights strung across the dining area and dance floor, and gorgeous floral arrangements in whites, pinks, and creams.

I danced the night away until I found myself sitting on the side with an icepack on my now twisted ankle.  I’d say I hurt myself dancing about 45% of the time that I do it.  And I have never regretted it once.


The bride and groom snuck away at some point during the last couple hours that I spent pouring leftover champagne from the dinner toast into my larger drink cup.  Needless to say the story ends there.

Congratulations to Mr. and Mrs. Scheuermann!  Those are going to be some hot ass babies…