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Filtering by Tag: accomplishments

MONDivation: Dreams Work When We Do

Danika Brysha

I probably have a collection of at least 30 quotes and images that say some version of the same thing.  To sum them all up, we must take action towards what we want if we truly expect for our dreams to come true.  Goals must be achieved or they won't mean much to you at all.  We must work for what we want rather than sitting around and waiting for that lucky day to come upon us.  If we don't move forward, we're always in the same place. Yeah, yeah, yeah.

But it is true.  Every single version of this statement, no matter how it is phrased, talks about putting our goals into action.  Making the necessary moves or taking the crucial steps that will draw us one step closer to the goals we set for ourselves.

I have, of course, been guilty of sitting around and waiting for things to happen, but as I get older and learn from my experiences, I learn each day that we can't wait for anything or anyone to call us up, offer us our dreams, or sweep us off our feet... without putting in some form of legwork in the meantime.  I've quickly learned that if I want something to happen, then I need to take the necessary steps in the direction of that dream.  Oftentimes, the universe finds a way of helping us out along the path and drawing the right people to us.  From what I know so far, as long as we take a few tiny steps each day, we can really only be moving forward!

MONDivation: Do Your Best

Danika Brysha

I tend to be really hard on myself when it comes to my expectations for just how much I can get done.  The last few weeks have been hectic and I needed a little down time for myself.  Some time to online shop, browse pinterest for hours, turn on the TV for the first time in months, and just relax with friends.  I did it at the expense of some of my usual responsibilities, and when I realized I hadn't produced blog posts, answered emails, and cleaned my room in days, I began to beat myself up a little bit.

And with all this newfound time to think, I realized that as long as I do my best, then that is good enough.  I can't expect myself to work 18 hours a day, every day.  I can't expect to release original content that I am passionate about day after day without getting burnt out now and then.  I can't be mad at myself if everything doesn't get done right, right now.  I do my best with the time and energy I have... And that is enough.

Have a wonderful week!  Do what you can do and when you're done be pleased with what you did get accomplished rather than what you did not.