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Filtering by Tag: Hollywood

L.A. Fashion's Night Out- Torrid Edition

Danika Brysha

Thursday night was Los Angeles' very own version of Fashion's Night Out so I, of course, had to be a part of it.  I skimmed the list of participating stores in my area and saw that Torrid's store at the Westfield Mall in Culver City was listed.  I had plans to meet up with some friends over on Melrose Ave and to attend a party at the Beverly Center later in the night, so I made Torrid my first stop.  I was greeted by the two most lovely ladies, Sandra and Symone, who were working the Fashion's Night Out event, and I cannot say enough wonderful things about them.  They were such great sports and even helped me pick out what would eventually be my evenings new outfit!

I lapped the store a couple times, grabbed what I liked and hit the dressing room... my own personalized dressing room!  I just love that!  AND I managed to not lock myself out which is a success in itself.

Though I was tempted to buy everything, I limited myself to three things...

1. I knew I had to have the grey Source of Wisdom skinny jeans that I found on the... get ready.. CLEARANCE rack!  I felt like they were literally constructed to fit me perfectly.  They sat above my hips and butt rather than cutting me off where I am fuller, and they were nice and long.

2. I loved the Blue Open-Knit Banded pullover when I shot it originally but trying it on in the store, on my own time, made me really realize I needed it!  I think the "off-the-shoulder" look is such a relaxed yet sexy style and the sheerness of the top gives me the option to get creative with what I choose to wear underneath.

3. And my favorite of all were these multi-colored, zig-zag leggings that I ALSO found in the clearance section! Huge score!

... In fact, I liked them so much that I decided I wanted to wear them for the rest of the night.  I had originally worn one of my favorite "go-to" lace Torrid dresses (I shot it in a style post here) and though I still love it dearly, I wanted something a little bit edgier to compete with all the fashionistas out for the night using the sidewalk as their runway.  I told Symone and Sandra I needed help deciding what to wear with them, and they suggested I pair them with a basic tank top and the new sheer Black Button-Up Chiffon Hi-Lo Top.  And they were VERY right. Did I say "3 Things"?  I meant FIVE.  Oh well.  And might I just add that I got all five things for just over $120 with the Fashion's Night Out sale, clearance items, and my newly opened and potentially very dangerous Torrid credit card! Success!I bid my farewells to the fabulous Sandra and Symone and thanked them for their help and fashion guidance, and was off to meet up with my friends for the Genlux Magazine party on the roof of the Beverly Center.I had a wonderful evening in my new Torrid outfit and of course rocked my grey jeans and Blue Knit top all day Friday.  The night was wonderful and I'm sending a big thank you to Sandra, Symone, and Torrid for helping me feel even more fashionable yet again!

Anybody else score some awesome sales for Fashion's Night Out?


True Blood Premiere Party

Danika Brysha

 Last week I was invited to attend the True Blood Season Five Premiere and Party.

Before I started modeling full time, I worked as a production assistant on True Blood during seasons three and four and absolutely loved it.  Even though I spent  80 hours a week making coffees, telling grown men to lower their voices, and counting how many ice cubes I put in a Pellegrino, I utterly enjoyed every minute of it and my coworkers became my family.  When my old boss asked if I'd be her date to the event I was so excited!

The night started at the Arclight Theater in Hollywood where we saw the first episode of Season Five.  I can't say much but I will tell you that it was awesome and naked... as usual.  After the screening we all walked next door to a new club called Lure.  There were dancers, trays of drinks and food, and loads of sexy people everywhere.  I rarely get to go to these kinds of events so I needed to look H-O-T.

 I ordered this dress from Rent the Runway, even though the earliest it could arrive was the day of the event.  I wear a size 12/14 and the largest they had was a 12 (not a fan of this) so I ordered it anyways.  It was a tad too tight, a bit short, and the open sleeve style accentuated my ravishing armpits.  I've always had a great experience with Rent the Runway though and I sent it back for a full refund which they happily awarded me.  I had bought a few backups at Loehmann's though and ended up wearing a long-sleeve, curve hugging, red dress by A.B.S.   I ended up happy, confident, and comfortable all night.  Alexander Skaarsgard was all over me.  He can be so suffocating at times.  Ok that didn't happen.

Check out some of the photos I took with the cast and crew below...

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Tune into HBO this Sunday, June 10th, 2012 for the Season Five Premiere of True Blood