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Filtering by Tag: Cougar Ring

Style: Pumped Up Kicks

Danika Brysha

I've recently teamed up with a new friend and fabulous photographer, Annie Vovan, who shot today's style post and is definitely a woman to watch.  I met up with her one recent afternoon in Santa Monica where she had told me about a local bar that had a few cool spots to shoot some photos.  Imagine our joy when we found this classic piece of man metal parked just outside.  So I decided to get comfortable...

Leather is all the rage right now (but really when is it not?) and I wanted to make this outfit a bit more casual to go with the laid back Santa Monica vibe.  I purchased this top not too long ago from The Limited's (somewhat) new plus size line, Eloquii.  I loved the classic color blocking but I wanted to give it a little more shape to accentuate my fine girlish figure.  This turquoise belt is falling apart and as vintage as they come.  I stole it from my mom's closet years ago and it's been a favorite staple of mine since.  (Sorry mom)

Now, I've been DYING to rock my wedge sneakers and I finally found the outfit that I felt deserved them.  I went back and forth on this trend for a long time.  I couldn't tell if they were hideos or genius and to be honest I'm still not completely sure.  When I saw these on the Topshop website I fell in love though and I know it was what my elementary school science teacher would call an "educated guess".  I guessed that I needed them on my feet.  And so I ordered them.  And they are horribly uncomfortable yet so epically fabulous that I continue to wear them on the reg.  "Is that a sneaker or a heel that you're wearing?"... "Maybe if we slip into something a little  more comfortable you can find out..."  (said nobody)

This post is a little photo-heavy but I couldn't choose just 5 or 6 I loved because my photographer Annie gave me so much to work with!  You can check out more of her stuff here or even book one of her empowering Just BE sessions for yourself!

Colorblock Black/White Top- Eloquii; Leather Paneled Skirt- Forever 21; HighTop Wedge Sneakers- Topshop; Turquoise Belt- Vintage; Watch- Michael Kors; Earrings- Target; Cougar Ring- Nasty Gal; Car-strangers