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You Year 2020 GIFT


 Want to give You Year as a gift? That’s awesome!

Here’s how it works…

Purchase a membership or multiple memberships through the link below. You do not need to enter the information of the person or people you are gifting. Just check out as you normally would for yourself. Then, when you receive your order confirmation email, please forward it to We’ll write a unique code for your giftees and you can choose to give it to them whenever you want. Once you give the gift, they can go on to and purchase You Year and fill in all their personal information and use the code at checkout so their membership is free. Let us know what you’d like us to name the code(s) (something unique like their full name DANIKABRYSHA would be great, and one for each person you’re gifting). We will also send you a graphic you can print out when you gift it with instructions for them! Thank you for giving the gift of expansion, connection, and self care. The group formally kicks off on December 27th so if you give the gift on Christmas, please encourage them to sign up immediately. We can’t wait to get started.

You Year 2020 GIFT