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Whole30 Group


This is not just any

Whole30 Group


Join Whole30 Certified Coach, Self-Care Influencer, and Clean Eating Entrepreneur, Danika Brysha as she guides you and a group of like-minded individuals through a September Whole30 Challenge, with a side order of extra self-care. With support from her partner, Chef Bill Haley, and sixteen Whole30 Certified Coaches, you’ll have the confidence and support to not just do a Whole30, but to take with you the skills and knowledge necessary to make this a regular part of your lifestyle.  


By joining this group, you’ll receive all this (for less than $2 per day):

Unlimited access to our September Whole30 Private Facebook Group and Community

We’ll have daily conversation starters and check ins as well as an open forum for you to connect with others who are doing the challenge


One month of simple daily self-care challenges

You’ll receive a full calendar of these optional challenges that will help to add a little more self care to your days. Challenges will be simple and require limited time. Examples include: make your bed, take a walk, journal for 5 minutes, etc. We will do the challenges together as a group and share our experience with these on our FB page.


5 Virtual Dinner Parties with Danika + Chef Billy

You’ll receive the ingredients list and a recipe each Sunday and can tune in live with us on Tuesday evenings to cook along with us, right from our kitchen. Bill Haley has been a professional chef for almost 15 years and will teach you how to make healthy Whole30 meals with ease and confidence

4 virtual Whole30 Dinner Parties + 1 Food Freedom Meal


Cooking Basics with Chef Billy

Chef Billy will show you the basics of cooking clean. Think: How to poach an egg, how to make homemade mayo, how to make ghee, how to roast a whole chicken, etc.


Pre-Whole30 Resources:

You’ll receive Danika’s most helpful tips and content to get you ready and prepped to start Whole30 on September 1st. Each day leading up to the beginning of the challenge you’ll receive a new worksheet to help prepare you. You’ll receive:

  • my best Tips for a successful Whole30
  • my favorite Whole30 recipes
  • my top Whole30 Grocery Store Finds
  • tips on how to travel during a Whole30 challenge
  • my “How to get through life stuff” during your Whole30 (think dating, unaligned friends and family, special occassions, etc)


16 Expert Seminars with Whole30 Coaches

Tune in Every Monday/Wednesday/Friday at 5:30pm PST/8:30pm EST to our Facebook Live where a new Whole30 Certified Coach will guide us through a specific topic. You’ll be able to ask questions, interact, and view at a later date if your schedule doesn’t permit for a live viewing

This includes three PRE Whole30 Seminars (8/27, 8/29, 8/31), twelve September Whole30 Seminars, and two POST Whole30 Seminars (10/1, 10/3). Our live FB sessions will have open Q+A and can also offer the opportunity for group members to join the call (optional) by video and share their own experience

Topics Include:

  • Your Whole30 Startup Checklist with Jennifer Woods Maloney
  • Using Whole30 to Address, Manage, and Reverse Chronic Disease with Dr. Catherine Moring
  • WHY Should I Do The Whole30 and How Can I Set Myself Up for Success with Whitney Rose-Marie Stuart, MCN RDN LN and Andrea Overturf
  • My Failed Whole30 and What I Know Now That Could Have Helped with Emily Nichols
  • The Work/Life/Whole30 Balance with Elaina Ripepl
  • Clean Eating for Families + Overcoming Sugar Addiction with Autumn Vance Michaelis, ACSM
  • Temptation Tactics: How to Avoid Office Treats, Kids Leftovers, The Party Food Table, and Other Temptations with Grace Adams
  • Self-Care for the Care Taker, Managing Time and Money during Whole30, and Understanding your WHY with Allison Sweatman
  • Food/Body Addiction + Whole30 : Binge/Emotional Eating, Restriction, Exercise Addiction, Relapse Prevention, and Body Image with Courtney Coyle, BA, CADC II
  • The Solo Whole30: Managing Healthy Change When You're the Only One Committed with Brittney Hopkins
  • Crockpot, Instant Pot, and Freezer Meals for Whole30 with Cara Koster
  • Digestion, Energy, and Embracing Your Whole Human Experience with Mary Dean
  • Whole30 and Your Relationship: How to Incorporate Your Partner or Loved Ones When They're Not On Board (And What Happens When They Are!) with Bree Shields
  • Serving Your Community Through the Gifts of The Whole30 with Jenny Meadows
  • Food Freedom + The Four Pillars of Health with Sam Presicci, CPT, LDN, MCN, RDN
  • Breaking the Diet-Binge-Guilt Cycle and Finding Healthy Food Freedom with Claire Siegal, LDN, RDN


Weekly emails with motivation and tips 

Every Sunday you'll receive the upcoming weeks itinerary via email. this will include information about our seminars, coaches, and topics. we will provide you with our dinner party recipe and ingredient list so you can be prepared to virtually cook with us on Tuesday evenings. We'll share a note from danika, what to expect for the week, and more!

15% Discount on all Model Meals prepared Whole30 meals

for the entire month of September, you'll have a 15% off coupon Code to use on ode (we deliver to Southern California, SF Bay Area, and Phoenix Area - cannot be applied to Whole30 packages as they are already significantly discounted)

*If you buy our discounted 90-meal package on our Model Meals website, you’ll gain FREE access to this package and ALL its offerings

Giveaways from Whole30 Approved Brands


And More!