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Events + Workshops

events + workshops


What is the Virtual Brunch Series?

The Virtual Brunch Series is a 2.5 hour digital experience led by self care expert and entrepreneur, Danika Brysha. This virtual experienced is based on the Live Brunch Series Tour which hosted 66 events for nearly 3000 women over the course of the 2018 year. In this course, you’ll learn all about self care - why it works, how to stay consistent, and how to carve out time for it even if all you have is 10 minutes. You’ll learn how to use my signature Self Care Checklist for accountability and structure (and without shame or feeling like it’s another thing to DO), as well as how to use your calendar to schedule yourself for success. We’ll talk about how to cultivate more self love and self worth, use social media in an empowering way, and to shift negative thought patterns that are manifesting in your life. We’ll do activities aimed at helping you uncover what you’re passionate about and how you can create a life that feels more purposeful. We’ll talk all about practices like journaling, gratitude, affirmations, visualizing, and some of my favorite resources to help you stay inspired. You’ll write your first biography from the future (don’t worry, we have activities that help you start thinking in that way) and we’ll learn how to live a more intentional life. I will share my own journey and the tools that have helped me build the life of my dreams. Most importantly, you’ll connect with like minded people thru access to our private The Brunch Series facebook group. You’ll receive a digital and interactive workbook so you can do the exercises right along with me throughout the workshop.

What Does My Ticket Include?

Ticket includes :

  • Access to the Virtual Brunch Series digital workshop 

  • An electronic version of The Brunch Series Workbook that you can either fill out on your computer or print it out to take notes during the event. 

  • Access to The Brunch Series Private Facebook Group to interact with over 1,000 women who have been through the same curriculum

Where Will This Virtual Experience Take Place?

The Virtual Brunch Series experience functions like an online course. Shortly after purchase, you’ll receive an email with more details as well as your login information to access the course.

Will I Be On Camera?

The Virtual Brunch Series is a pre-recorded experience and will feature video of Danika and of some volunteers (with their consent of course). You will not be interacting live or coming on camera during the course. You can interact with other Brunch Series attendees in our private Facebook group.

Can I Pause the LIVE Experience to Do On My Own Time?

Absolutely! The pre-recorded event can be viewed as often as you choose and we encourage you to pause it and take whatever time you need in order to do the exercises

How Much Time Will It Take?

This is entirely up to you. You can do the full workshop in one sitting or break it up into pieces. The full video is 2.5 hours long but we encourage you to set aside about 3-4 hours to prove you with ample time for pausing and doing the exercises, and for a few breaks as needed.

The Virtual Brunch Series Experience

Got Questions?

Email and we’ll get right back to you