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Danika Brysha is America’s leading Self-Care Expert. She is a Wellness Entrepreneur, former Curve Fashion Model with IMG Models, Host of the Podcast and YouTube series "Your Morning Mindset Practice" and mother to two young daughters.

While leading her companies, Self-Care Society, Model Meals, Chef Bill Haley LLC, and The Private Garden Chefs Collective, and modeling for brands like Bare Minerals, Old Navy, and Lands End, she guides others to find the wellness routines that are the foundation for the life they dream of.

In 2018, along with her partner, Chef Bill, she hit the road for a 66-event self-care tour, and in 2019 she toured the country with TJ Maxx's Maxx You Program.

In 2021, Danika’s healthy meal delivery company, Model Meals, was acquired by the public company, Home Bistro, Inc.

Danika has worked with thousands of people to spread wellness and cultivate self-care routines and systems that stick, and is passionate about empowering others to come back home to themselves.

Through her journey of recovery from disordered eating, food addiction, and body issues, excessive alcohol and drug use, deep debt, and an overall lack of confidence and purpose, Danika uses her own experience to help others transform and thrive. She regularly guides workshops centered around using self-care to build a life that feels good on the inside.

Danika is a certified Master Gardener, and loves to hike, read, cook, and spend time with her family at their home in Las Vegas, NV or while traveling the world.

You can see Danika in the press working with Food Network (on two episodes of Chopped), People, InStyle, Shape, PopSugar, Create & Cultivate, and more.

Find Danika on instagram @danikabrysha

See danika in the press