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Denver and Scottsdale Meetups with Danika & Billy


Denver and Scottsdale Meetups with Danika & Billy


Denver and Scottsdale Meetups with Danika & Billy

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Do you live in the Denver or Scottsdale area?

Come hang out with Danika & Billy while they’re passing through on their RV trip. This event is FREE and will be a casual get together to meet up with Danika, Billy, and other like-minded people in your community. There are two locations for this event, the details for each are below. While this event is free, you will need to “purchase” the $0 product to RSVP for either of these events as space is limited.

Denver: Wednesday, October 2nd, 2019 from 5:30pm-6:30pm at Just Be Kitchen (2364 15th Street, Denver)

Come join Danika & Billy at one of Danika’s favorite Whole30/Paleo-friendly restaurants in Denver. Purchase is not required but if you’re hungry or thirsty, they have an array of delicious Whole30 and other healthy food options. Come and grab dinner or just hang out!

Scottsdale: Monday, October 7th from 5:30-6:30pm for a meetup in the park (Chapparal Park- 5401 N Hayden Rd, Scottsdale, AZ 85250)

Come join Danika & Billy for a meetup in the park. This is a casual get together to connect with other like-minded people. Feel free to snacks, drinks, and a blanket or chair to sit on if you’d like.

Per a lot of your requests and interest during our Brunch Series Tour, we’ll be selling mugs and t-shirts (S-XXXL) for $5 each. If you’re interested, please bring cash or we can do Venmo on-site.